Gerard Van den Aardweg

Gerard Van den Aardweg


United States

Who is it

Dr. Gerard van den Aardweg is an internationally renowned psychotherapist, specializing in the treatment of "homosexual people". Born in Holland in 1936, Catholic, married, father of seven children, he obtained his doctorate in psychology at the University of Amsterdam in 1967, with the dissertation: Homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia as sexual neuroses (empirical analyzes). His therapies consist in the mental treatment of homosexuality, on the basis of an effective synthesis of psychology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis; in the more than documented belief that homosexual tendencies originate from neurosis, often due to a deficient development of the personality (that is, an underdevelopment of masculinity / femininity). Over the course of fifty years, he has brought many homosexuals, both male and female, back to normal. In addition to numerous articles and interviews, he has published three books in the United States, translated into various languages: On the Origins and Treatment of Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Reinterpretation, 1986, Praeger, New York / Westport (containing the analysis of approximately 200 treatments) ; Homosexuality and Hope, Servant Books, Ann Arbor 1985; The Battle for Normality: A Guide for (Self-) Therapy for Homosexuality, Ignatius Press, San Francisco 1997. The second appeared in Italian: Homosexuality and hope, Ares, Milan 19993; and the third: A road to tomorrow - Guide to homosexuality self-therapy, Città Nuova, Rome 2004.
His latest book: SCIENCE SAYS NO, The deception of gay "marriage" - Presentation by Paolo Pasqualucci. The topicality of the topic treated here is burning, after the path for the introduction of "gay marriage" in the legal system has officially begun in our country, despite the well-known protests and disputes of what we can consider still healthy of the Italian people.
The essay by dr. Aardweg is solidly founded on the data of impeccable scientific research, which the eighty-year-old psychologist and scholar has been engaged in for more than fifty years. The gay subculture has succeeded in making prevail the idea that homosexuality is a natural, innate "sexual orientation", therefore not treatable with psychiatric and psychoanalytic therapies successfully pursued by dr. Aardweg. With a wealth of scientific arguments, the Author demonstrates the falsity of the assumption, illuminating us, at the same time, on the true nature of homosexuality and the "lifestyle" of the gay universe, very different from the sweetened image manufactured by the world of information. For information on the professor and his texts: Texts: van den aardweg&hvadid=80882856359995&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvqmt=e&tag=amamitsp-21&ref_8_cd_sl "

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