Who we are

A pair of trainers

Hi. We are Luca & Terry.

We are a happy couple who have made a discovery: we are always free to choose our sexual personality. We train trainers for the development of the sexual personality. We want to help anyone who is hurt in their sexual identity to be truly free to choose who they want to be as a person. We like to meet people and help them discover that only the truth makes us free and happy. Terry and I got married on August 22, 2008. Only later did we discover that "Mary Queen" is celebrated on August 22: since then the direction of our lives has been in his hands. In 2014 we became parents of a beautiful little girl. God can make all things new.

Wedding ring

In Medjugorie we met God and His beauty changed our life. For us, faith is essential to our being. We are disciples of Jesus and we belong to the Catholic Church.


We like to meet people, get to know them, help them to enhance their beauty that shines in a wonderful way in their sexual identity, received as a gift. We believe that the truth always makes us free. Really.


Over the years we have formed. We have met extraordinary people who have passed on their knowledge and wisdom to us. We always want to work with our values: for this we suffer the hostility of the powerful of the world.

Conferences and testimonies

We love to travel! In more places in the world we have held conferences and testimonies on our stories, which have touched the interest of thousands of people curious to dispel certain myths that imprison man in stereotypes. The story of Luca, who was Gay, has become famous all over the world and his book has been translated into several languages. Watch a video interview by Luca here.

We train trainers

Our goal is to help people with homosexual tendencies to do, if they want, the same path as Luca, to become like him, witnesses that change is possible. We train trainers for the development of people's sexual identity.

Our favorite references and authors

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